As I’m trying to find my way back to some wilderness on this piece of land that was so domesticated I’m learning to listen and trust what it is that we are becoming together – the land and I. It’s a deep intimate experience and we continue
to grow each other. Where we are now there are many new definements and etchings, on the land and in my heart space. Trees planted, fire rings set, stone circles and gardens, young and old, permanent and morphing. Some areas are claimed and some are left untouched, always changing always growing. Where do we go from here? There’s that place/space in between domestication and wilderness, where we live in the forever flow of life! Too much of either extreme is daunting to the human soul. The land can live without me. I cannot live without the land. I’m trying to find that space/place where I feel the flowing exchange of life that comes from being in “right relations” with the worlds around me. I practice listening to the earth so I can combine our needs and desires in a good balanced way. |
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