Leaving home and wandering off into the mid 70’s when the radical changes of the 50’s & 60’s were starting to make headway into the so called normal world, I picked up my first herb book. “Rodale Herbs” one of the few herb books written at that time. And so began my addiction of book buying.
I tumbled into my 20’s and the birth of my first daughter. After choosing a home birth I proceeded to care for my little love in a way that made sense to me as I saw it, only to come face to face with the medical world and antibiotics. Frustrated I started to read and searched out herbal health care, in the 1980’s there wasn’t much written about herbal medicine especially pertaining to babies and children. Then I began the long slow process of observing, listening and caring for the child, trusting that I could know the way. Three and a half years later another wonderful daughter came into being and so did my first herbal study course. Then began the collection of bottles and jars for all the teas, tinctures, oils and plant matter that came to be made and harvested. On again 6 years to the birth of another wonderful, my son, then massage school which opened the door into the intuitive energy healing arts. This took me into meeting many wise and different people with wide perspectives on what it means to “heal” and what healing is all about. This path included studying with a Huna healing group, channeling, to becoming a Reiki Master through (un)-conventional methods and a disincarnate Shinto Monk. Also through sweat lodges & medicine circles, late nights rants under the moon, 20 years of massage practice, to being open-hearted & vulnerable with the many people who came to “Go ask Alice” about their concerns. Working with Spirit is very much like this picture, you need a great sense of trust & humor! |

And as she sang she wondered if that was not really the essence of life,
to serve at the source of power, to do what had to be done,
and if the gallows became the logical end of your behavior, to accept it….
but above all else, to participate,
to be at the center of life as a participant……
“The Drifters” chapter Gretchen – by James Michener
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